Postings might be a little sparse for a little bit while I settle into this long trip. I've been given an itinerary that spans about three months of meetings and other associated stuff I have to do to satisfy my commitment to this business.

Right now I'm in sunny Dubai. The hotel is a bit tacky but the facilities are brilliant and the room is so comfortable. The only chicks I can get it on with here are foreigners. Holiday chicks, not so choice but tasty anyway. *wink* Even I don't wanna risk the wrath of the local authorities here. Shame, coz the local chicks are cute cute cute!!
Hey, don't worry though. I'll jump online when I can and update you all on what's happening. As always I have my journal with me so I can make notes. Maybe I'll post the notes from my diary and wait til later to post the really juicy stories I'm sure I'll have, although I'm soooo tired right now, the only fucking I can face is in my dreams. *sigh*