Monday, September 18, 2006

Ai Otsuka - Love Cook

Ai Otsuka - Love Cook
Originally uploaded by vulvanist.

Isn't she the most stunning creature you have ever seen? Her voice is sooo cute and her face, well.....

Monday, September 11, 2006

Who is she?

Originally uploaded by houfei9314.

This girl takes my breath away. The moment I looked at her face my face got hot, and tingles started all over.

Delicious doesn't come remotely close to this beautiful woman!!!

I need a moment...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Wild, hot Tokyo...OMG!!!

Tokyo is much, much more than just flashing lights, beautiful women, and weird fashions. Under the surface, the Japanese people are warm and generous and their spirit of inventiveness is hard to rival.

The language barrier is a hurdle but a smile and body language always help and people will do their best to try and understand what you want.

One day back in Japan and I'm falling in love all over again. What a glorious place!

The girls here are unbelievably uninhibited in their fashions. They'll flaunt and walk around like they own the world. It's so refreshing to see and so much FUN!!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

If you're not a guy and don't have a pair of these, what's wrong with you?

Jimmy Choo "Empire' shoes. I just love em. Less than 400 quid. So what's keeping you? Shop girl, for the sake of all that's good and fair in the world. Do your feet a favour.