I've never been in exactly this situation but I have had a dream about it many times. Something to slip into the agenda!
Check it out. No boring profile. I'm going to show you all my Top 100 List of things I've done, and love.
Hey and any things you think I oughta do...let me know. cool.
Comments are my way of knowing how you feel. Please comment. Thanx sweethearts.
How many times have you been walking down the street and spotted someone you can't take your eyes off? Lots of times right? It happens to me all the time.
Sometimes I'm the one looked at. Guys whistle and shout stuff that's, apparently, supposed to make me feel good and sexy and desirable. "Hey, nice tits" is one. "Show us your snatch" is another. Guys, word of advice. Shut the fuck up with that shit. It's a little flattering the first time your hear it but it gets old so fast and the chances of you actually getting a fuck is nil. Nuff said.
So, getting back to the point. It happened near home, while I was out for a walk to clear my head, just a little down from Harrods. She came out of a store and I was so stunned by her that I had to stop walking or run into something or wandering into the road and get killed.
Her hair was dark, real dark, and her eyes were kinda like a cat. You know the kind of eyes chicks with some Chinese or Japanese in their genes have? Her skin was pale but not sickly. She was wearing a cute but obviously business, suit with heels to the sky. Mid-thigh skirt, lightly patterned stockings, not pantyhose, the cutest little Prada clutch (that's like a tiny handbag to you guys), and she was tall. I mean she had to be close to six feet, okay, maybe a little shorter without the heels.
To be continued, must run