Since my short visit I have fallen in love with Japan and its women. If I were ever to marry a girl, she would be Japanese. Who could disagree?
Check it out. No boring profile. I'm going to show you all my Top 100 List of things I've done, and love.
Hey and any things you think I oughta do...let me know. cool.
Comments are my way of knowing how you feel. Please comment. Thanx sweethearts.
No, if you "marry" a girl, she's GOT to be me...not that most states would let us get hitched...so can we just make out, instead?
Hugs, Justine
ps -- come see my little blog, devifemme.livejournal.com/
That's the States and I'm not there. Here, it's perfectly legal ;)
hugs right back, Lisa
ps. I've always loved the name Justine!!
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